Eucalyptus Leaves White Rose Artificial Flowers Wedding Bouquet


Eucalyptus leaves symbolize solace and rebirth. White roses symbolize purity and flawless inheritance, adding a noble and holy atmosphere to the wedding.

Material: Silk Cloth

Size: 27*18cm

Color: White

Weight: 1.09kg

Occasions: Suitable for weddings, parties, homes, offices, and other occasions. It is the perfect choice for the bride to hold flowers. 


Tailoring Time
  • Dresses: 7-10 days

  • Handmade Wedding Dress Series: 10-15 days

Cleaning & lroning
  • Do not wash

  • Do not dry clean

  • Professional spot clean only

  • Steam iron the dress at a low temperature

Care & Storage
  • Dresses are usually packed inside out for protection.

  • Hang and store the dress in a shaded and dry place.

  • If available. use the inner hanger straps to assist with hanging.

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