Champagne Roses Waterfall Cascading Bridal Bouquet


Our designer puts up together beautiful champagne, orange, white, gold colour palette for you. Champagne roses mean falling in love with one person and the long-lasting love. Orange roses represent shy, reserved, mysterious love. Golden orange phalaenopsis represent happiness is coming to you. It can create a chic and cozy look or a more warm and romantic atmosphere to your wedding day.

Material: Silk Cloth

Size: 26*47cm

Color: White&Orange&Champagne

Weight: 2.61kg

Occasions: Perfect for weddings, parties, church celebrations, home table decoration, office arrangement, bridal bouquet for brides and bridesmaids,opening celebration decoration.


Tailoring Time
  • Dresses: 7-10 days

  • Handmade Wedding Dress Series: 10-15 days

Cleaning & lroning
  • Do not wash

  • Do not dry clean

  • Professional spot clean only

  • Steam iron the dress at a low temperature

Care & Storage
  • Dresses are usually packed inside out for protection.

  • Hang and store the dress in a shaded and dry place.

  • If available. use the inner hanger straps to assist with hanging.

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